Meaning of Life

Ever thought of what life is for? Confused? Puzzled? I am...

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Inferority and Superiority Complex

Came across these two terms today...

Definitions (From

Inferority complex - A persistent sense of inadequacy or a tendency to self-diminishment, sometimes resulting in excessive aggressiveness through overcompensation.

Superiority complex - 1) An exaggerated feeling of being superior to others.
2) A psychological defense mechanism in which feelings of superiority counter or conceal feelings of inferiority.

Found a good website bout inferority complex, Did not find one for superiority complex.

After reading up abit on them, i'm still abit confused between the two of them...they are abit similar to each other in that they results in exaggerated behaviours...They can also only come out at certain time...from my understanding...

I do not know if i am suffering from either one of them, or maybe both, but either way life goes on...