Meaning of Life

Ever thought of what life is for? Confused? Puzzled? I am...

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Latern Festival

Almost end of day...

"ZZZZ!! ZZZZ!!", the sound made by my vibrating handphone...

"1 message recieved"

"heys pp, want go play candles? repky asap! :D canal play?"

Lonely moon in the vast dark sky...but on the ground is a sea of glowing light...noisy, smoky, dirty, the setting...

Fire, candles, burning boxes and leaves, lantern and match sticks...are the props...

NUTS, J and me...are the casts...

Slow slow walk, Fun fun games, Small small talks...are the act...

Curtain dropped...end of day...glowing dimmed...moon stayed on...